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军事 sean 6354℃ 1评论


China conducted a flight test this month of its newest long-range missile that U.S. intelligence agencies say lofted two independently-targeted simulated nuclear warheads, according to defense officials.

The launch of the DF-41 road-mobile missile Aug. 6 was the fourth time the new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) has been test-fired in three years, and indicates that the weapon capable of hitting U.S. cities with nuclear warheads is nearing deployment.


原文链接:China Tests New Long-Range Missile with Two Guided Warheads

转载请注明:北纬40° » 广岛核爆纪念日,东风41导弹第四次试射

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    匿名2015-08-26 17:03 回复